- спасу нет
- • СПАСУ <-а> НЕТ substand; СПАСЕНИЯ НЕТ coll[VP; impers]=====1. спасу нет от кого-чего. Also: СПАСУ НЕ СТАЛО substand it is impossible to avoid or rid o.s. of s.o. or sth. tiresome or bothersome: от X-a спасу нет ≈ there's no escaping X; you can't get away from <get rid of> X.♦ Они [Михаил и Дунярка] шли по проспекту Павлина Виноградова и молчали. Люди - нету спасенья от людей. Спереди, с боков, сзади (Абрамов 1). They [Mikhail and Dunyarka] walked in silence along Pavlin Vinogradov Prospekt. People-there was no escaping people-in front, behind, on all sides (1a).2. [used as intensif]⇒ it is impossible to tolerate sth., overcome some desire etc:- it's more than person X can stand <take>;- it's enough to drive person X crazy <wild, nuts etc>;- person X will die (if he doesn't do <get etc> sth.).♦ "Дай закурить. Спасу нет, хочу курить, а у меня кончились" (Распутин 1). "Give me a smoke. I'll die if I don't smoke and I'm out of cigarettes" (1a).3. [used as intensif]⇒ (some quality is present or manifested) to a very high degree:- incredibly;- unbelievably;- [in refer, to a negative quality only] unbearably.
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.